Upgrade to Moneydance 2011r2 (build 803)
Below you can download the latest update to Moneydance. If you purchased Moneydance 2010 or later you are eligible for a free upgrade to this version. Otherwise, please enter your license key in the form below to see if you are eligible for a free or half-off upgrade.
To download Moneydance, please choose your platform below.
Mac OS X 10.4 or higher After the download is finished, double-click the Moneydance.zip file. (Note: Safari may do this for you automatically. Next, drag Moneydance to your "Applications" folder and double-click it (if desired). You can also drag Moneydance to your dock where it can be launched with a single-click.
Windows After the download is finished, double-click the MoneydanceInstall.exe file. The installer will then download Java (if necessary) and install Moneydance.
Windows (includes Java) After the download is finished, double-click the MoneydanceInstallwj.exe file. The installer will then install Moneydance.
Linux x86 DEB package (for .deb-based Linux systems such as Ubuntu) After the download is finished, double-click the moneydance.deb file to install.
Linux x86 RPM package (for RPM-based Linux systems) After the download is finished, double-click the moneydance.rpm file to install.
Generic Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc) After the download is finished, untar the downloaded file (using the command "tar xzf moneydance_other.tar.gz") which will create a directory named "moneydance". In that directory, create a symbolic link from "jre" to the directory where Java is installed on your system (for example "cd moneydance; ln -s /usr/java1.4 jre"). You can then run the "moneydance" script in the new directory to start Moneydance. If you don't have Java installed on your system you can download a copy for free from java.com.